
Privacy Policy

It Is Me AS is committed to protecting your individual rights and keeping your personal data safe. This privacy policy (the “Policy”) applies when It Is Me AS, business register no. 932 269 570, Fjordalléen 16, 0250 Oslo, Norway, (“It IsMe”), provides the agreed upon services. It Is Me is a newly started company, we therefore only offer limited services so far. The Policy will therefore be amended when we expand our service

Data processed by It Is Me will be processed in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). Personal data processed by It Is Me shall be processed and stored in a safe and secure manner. It Is Me will only store your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil our purposes. We will subsequently delete or anonymize your personal data, unless we are required by law, or have a legitimate interest to keep storing the data.

It is Me may use data processors for the performance of the service you are using. In these cases, we will enter into relevant agreements with the processor(s) ensuring your rights and obligations under GDPR. The use of data processors is not legally considered as disclosure of data.

It is Me does not transfer personal data outside the EU / EEA without ensuring all relevant legal and technical safeguards in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Processing of your personal data

Processing of your personal data will occur in the following situations:

It Is Me sends out newsletters about our existing and upcoming services by e-mail to those who subscribe.

In order for us to send you newsletters, you must register an e-mail address. The e-mail address will only be used to send out newsletters and user surveys about our services to get feedback on what users need and what they find interesting. When you sign up for the newsletter, you consent to us processing information about you. Your e-mail address is stored in a separate database, is not shared with others and is deleted when you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Information you have given in our surveys is also deleted if you unsubscribe from our newsletter. You can unsubscribe by clicking on the link for this in the newsletter or by contacting us.

It Is Me processes the personal data until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. The processing basis for processing your e-mail address in connection with the newsletter and the information you provide in our surveys is GDPR article 6, section 1 (a), i.e. consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the legality of the processing of personal data that occurred before you withdrew your consent.

Answering questions sent to hello@itisme.ai:

If you send us an e-mail regarding questions or comments to our company or services, we will use your e-mail address to reply to your inquiry. Please do not include any sensitive information in your e-mail. Inquiries by e-mail will be deleted when they are no longer needed for us to do our everyday tasks.

The legal basis for processing your e-mail address and other personal data included in your e-mail is GDPR article 6, section 1 (a), i.e. consent or b) to fulfill or make steps to establish a contract with you, depending on the content and nature of your e-mail.

Your rights
Access request

You have the right to ask us to provide any personal data we have collected about you. Should you wish to do so, please contact us at hello@itisme.ai to make a subject access request detailing your name, your e-mail address and the period of data you would like access to.

Rectification and erasure

Subject to applicable law you have the right to request that It Is Me rectifies or updates your personal data that is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated. You also have the right to request that It Is me erases your personal data in certain circumstances.

Restrictions of use and export of data

You have the right to request that It Is Me restricts the use of your personal data in certain circumstances. Where technically feasible you have the right to request that It Is Me exports your personal data to another company.

Withdrawal of consent

Where the processing of your personal data is based on your previously given consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.


Should you wish to report a complaint about It Is Me's data processing, you may contact the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. You will find the Norwegian Data Protection Authority's contact details on www.datatilsynet.no.

Questions and Contact Information

For all inquiries, please use our e-mail address hello@itisme.ai. Our address is: It Is Me AS, Klingenberggata 7b, 0161 Oslo, Norway. Business registration no. 932 269 570.


This version of the Privacy Policy was last updated 12. March 2024.